Boost the hiring process with HR Software

At the point when recruiting for your association, clearly you require the right individuals. In any case, when searching for extensive quantities of people, the migraine of procuring tends to higher volume.

You should be steady over the crusade, guaranteeing effective procedures to ensure the undertaking is a win. The all the more straight-forward your procedure, the less demanding it is to recruitment for high volume.

This is the place applicant tracking solution comes in. From meeting booking to executioner questions, we will discuss the functionalities of an Applicant Tracking System that can boost the hiring process.


With questionnaire, you’ll be able to rate candidates based on answers for particular questions; allowing you to pick the right ones much more quickly.

Tough Questions

Tough or hard questions enable you to reject a candidate automatically if they do not hit a certain criteria. For example, if you are looking for drivers, an incorrect response to a question on whether they hold a driving licence would automate a message to the individual letting them know that they are not being progressed.

Interview Scheduler

The interview scheduler which can be applied to each vacancy allows interview slots to be chosen for the candidate through the ATS. Candidates can even use the system to let the hiring manager know if they cannot attend.


Communications System

An ATS can provide you with the option to send out bulk emails to candidates. These automated emails allow you to quickly progress and reject candidates who fail to meet criteria, without the hassle of sending out individual emails to each and every applicant.

Reporting Structure

Collating data for manual reports when working from emails or spreadsheets can take up a huge amount of time, particularly if it’s for a larger number of candidates.

With an applicant tracking solution, you can quickly pull off a range of both standard and custom reports. These can be automatically emailed through to a regular audience at a regular weekly or monthly slot, if they are required for managers or a meeting.

Ultimately, it’s all about finding the right candidates for the open position and avoiding the costs of picking the wrong candidate.

If you’re finding it difficult to keep up with a larger volume of applicants, and your current process is too time consuming, then it may be worth looking at an ATS. This system can be implemented in order to act as part of a smoother and more efficient hiring procedure.

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